
Monday, February 23, 2009

Alyeska Weekend

Beth and I went down to Girdwood on Friday afternoon, where we met up with about 10 of her friends from work to stuff ourselves silly and drink too much. Almost incidentally, we also went snowboarding and cross-skiing. If one measures the success of a ski weekend by the heftiness of ones breakfast burrito, as I do (and God help you if you don't even eat a breakfast burrito on a ski weekend), then this one must have come in at about 23 ounces. Big success!

The mountain was in good condition, with the kind of weather that I have sorely missed for the past couple of months, and the scenery was beautiful. Don't believe me? Well here are some pictures to prove it:

first a couple of panoramics from Saturday

and then a couple from XC skiing on Sunday

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