
Friday, July 30, 2010

Impending Vacation

There's probably other ways to define a vacation, but if you go with "missing multiple days of work to go someplace and have fun" then I'm a week from going on my first vacation since... well, since before I had a job to take a vacation from. I find that I am beginning to look forward to this thing.


Mom said...

Yay for paid vacations (that the union doesn't take). It sounds like you had a really good time with Beth's brothers, albeit after work... Nice to see that the champagne was well-used.

I suspect you are at the air show now. I've never seen one, but I want to see a dog sled race more.

Brigit said...

dude, i too have my first impending vacation in a LONG time. But then the week after I have to start school again... @$%^(*@$#!!!!