
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Winter in Alaska (part 2 of 3) - It's the Little Things

I know it's pretty cliche to say that its the little things that matter, but the truth is that cliches are like onions - they've got a lot of layers to them (get it? it's another cliche!). So I don't mind saying that when it comes to getting through a winter in Alaska, it's the little things that matter.

Like, first of all, there are the little things that will make you miserable if you don't do them. So make sure you bundle up before you go outside, because there's a big difference between taking the dog for a walk when it's 5 degrees out when you've got long underwear on and when you're just wearing a pair of slacks. And it doesn't just apply to things like walking the dog - there's no reason not to be wearing that long underwear under your slacks all day at work, since it was cold in the morning on the way in, cold at lunch, cold when you went to get coffee and cold on the way home. Come to think of it, pretty much everything in this category has to do with wearing enough clothes, but I guess that just shows how important dressing appropriately really is.

Second, there are the little things to do that will make things a little nicer, keep you a little more sane and generally stave off cabin fever. To me the most important thing here is to keep getting outside. You may not want to be outside all day like in the summertime, but getting out for a half hour to ski, walk the dog, ice skate or even bike to work instead of driving really keeps the walls from closing in. Then, when you get home you can take a nice hot shower, put on that long underwear we talked about and enjoy the heat from a roaring fire in the woodstove. All of those thing feel pretty sweet on a cold, dark day. Some other nice things are cooking a really good meal (kitchens are warm!) and then eating it with plenty of wine. The trick is basically to first convince yourself that its not so bad to go outside and then once you're back to believe that being cozy inside your house is the best thing ever (without regretting that you went outside in the first place.

Third are the little things about winter up here that are really great. The way that snow sticks to trees for days or even weeks after a snowstorm or icy fog is beautiful, the steam and smoke rising from a thousand chimneys on a cold, clear, still morning belongs in a postcard, and with the sun rising and setting at such a low angle there are beautiful sunrises and sunsets every clear day that last for over an hour. Watching Bella play in the snow is an absolute treat, and watching her curl up for a nap in front of a warm fire afterwards is about the cutest thing in the world. When it stays so cold and the sun is so weak, snow never turns to slush, so your feet never get soaked with icy water and the world stays white and bright without turning grey after a few hours. There are groomed ski trails and zambonied skating rinks all around town, with local kids and adults enjoying them every day despite the weather. Backcountry skiing is a short drive away, with snowshoeing even closer. Neighbors stop by to warm up and share a bottle of wine. People decorate for the holidays, because its so much nicer to come home to a house lit up by Christmas lights, so neighborhoods have a cheery glow. The case of beer that lives on the back step is always cold. Moose come into the city for the winter and can be spotted several times a week. On dark weekend mornings it's always easy to sleep in, and on dark weekday mornings, this is a city that cares about its coffee, so whether you're buying beans or brewed you'll have a mug of something warm, tasty and strong. The Iditarod goes a block from my house (the freaking Iditarod!!!), and so do the world sprint sled dog championships. Basically, there's a lot going on here that couldn't happen anywhere else, and sometimes there's nothing better than to just soak it all in.*
* As long as you're wearing that long underwear.

1 comment:

Brigit said...

that is EXACTLY why i want to have a dog! do fun things, tire 'em out, and then watch 'em nap for hours in any warm spot they can find... so cute!!!