
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

First hike of the season

Last Saturday was a beautiful, sunny, day, which was a good thing because Beth and I had already decided to go on our first hike of the summer that day. Bryn and Dash joined the two of us and Bella, and we drove up to the Glen Alps parking lot in Chugach State Park. Part of the parking lot was still blocked by a snowbank, so we had to wait a couple of minutes for a spot to open up, but fortunately it didn't take long and soon we were on our way. The goal for the day was to hike up to a place called "The Ballfield," a gently sloping plateau that rises from about 3000' to 4000' elevation below O'Malley Peak in the front range east of Anchorage.
I picked our route because it faces south and I thought the snow would have pretty much melted away. I was basically right except for the fact that there were probably still 20 feet of snow on our route. We ended up paralleling the intended route to stay on dry ground and after a moderately short but very steep and sweaty ascent we were at the foot of "The Ballfield."
Up top we spent a bit of time basking in the sun, eating some tasty snacks, and briefly enjoying a few wildflowers before Bella would trample them. Then we turned around and headed back down for what would be the fun part of the trip. After skipping the very top of the descent which was really steep, I glissaded (aka: butt-slid) my way down the next several hundred feet in a matter of moments. Beth was apprehensive at first but then joined in as well and what would have been a steep and knee-hurty descent turned out to be a hoot!

Pictures and a couple videos below:

Dash checks back in with the group, tongue lolling out due to the sweltering mid-50s heat.
Maybe its not winter anymore, but the evidence of winter was still abundant.
Beth and Bryn hiking, with the toe of the Ballfield behind them.

Beth and Bryn hiking with O'Malley Peak and the Ballfield stretching out behind them

Bella on top of Little O'Malley, at the top of our hike.

Me, just happy to be here.

From the perspective of a soon-to-be-stompled flower, she's pretty scary looking.

Beth and Bryn work their way down the mountain after I slid way out in front of the group.

Butt tracks in the snow above...
Down at the bottom, stepping back onto dry land after our sledding adventure.

Heading back to the car after an excellent hike

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