
Monday, December 1, 2008

Nice work today, Toine, and thanks for getting it set up so I could watch despite being over 3000 miles away. I hope I don't have to worry that you didn't get to enjoy yourself afterwards - I imagine a nice, satisfying several rounds of drinks over at the pub before dinner.

In my world, it was a (wonderfully) lazy first weekend here in AK. The first night I was out cold at about 8:15 after a delicious Thanksgiving feast prepared by my fantastic girlfriend. It turns out sleeping in is super easy, since it doesn't get light until about 10, so after 14 hours of sleep I actually felt like I'd put a dent in the last few months of sleep deprivation. We spent the rest of the weekend kicking around, starting season 2 of the Wire, watching The Dog Whisperer, buying new cross country skis, going out to dinner and to see The Nutcracker, and going over to some friendshouse to shovel their driveway for them because they were out of town (but not actually having to do any work, because somebody had beaten us to it). All in all, it was pretty successful. Now I've got to buckle down to work for the next few days, because I really want to get this thesising stuff done as soon as possible!

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