
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Insult to injury...

By Friday morning I was feeling well enough to head out with Beth for some brunch downtown. While I was sick the outside world had gone from North Pole freeze to East Coast thaw, and everything that had been covered in snow was now covered in inches of ice. I think it actually took us about 10 minutes to make it a block and a half to a major street where the sidewalk was marginally passable. Anyway, we went to brunch, stopped to pick up some rubber thingies with metal spikes to slip over our shows, and made it home without any major falls.
As we came through the gate, Beth said "I hope our apartment isn't flooding," and I think you can guess that it was. The window well in our study had about a foot of water in it, and water was pouring around the glass and down onto my desk. Beth took on the inside cleanup and I ran outside to bail the window well and start diverting water away from the house. In the end, a bunch of my notes and some checkbooks got wet, a bunch of Beth's old tax documents got ruined, and my computer was thoroughly doused as well. Fortunately the computer seems to have dried out without permanent damage and we haven't had to deal with a repeat of the flooding. We're still drying the carpet, the room is still a mess and I think we're going to have to try a different layout for the room in case this happens again come spring, but I think that overall we've survived the incident fairly well....

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