
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Great video of Redoubt eruption

Here's a time lapse video of Redoubt's Friday eruption made by Bretwood Higman.

and if you can't see it here, you can go to and check it out. There are also some really cool pictures of the eruption at night at

As for me, I hadn't seen any first hand evidence that there was an eruption until yesterday afternoon. Then Beth and I were out snowshoeing with our friends Heather and Pat when we noticed dark clouds moving in. Snow was predicted, so I didn't think too much of it, even after Heather pointed out ash on top of the snow. I just thought it had fallen with the recent snow and gotten exposed by melting, but within a couple minutes it became clear that this stuff was falling on us - and starting to fall harder!

So we had to cover our mouths - Heather had 2 facemasks, but Pat had to use a bandanna and I was stuck wrapping a sweaty shirt over my face - and hurry back the last mile or two to the car. Once we got there we waited for about a half an hour before driving as the last ash settled out of the air. Not too suprisingly, the stuff can be murderous on car engines. Then back to Anchorage where we did what any sensible people would do: made grilled cheeses for dinner!

I didn't have my camera, and we didn't want to stop for pictures once the ash started falling, but Beth did get this one shot, while we were getting our facemasks on:

1 comment:

JW said...

Whoa, that video is INCREDIBLE. Glad you guys are ok, it's kind of cool that you get to be there for this!