
Monday, May 23, 2011

too much digging

Back when I first heard the phrase "the world needs ditchdiggers," I didn't think it really applied to me. So I hit the books, kept to my studies and years later found myself knee deep in a trench on a beautiful May weekend in Anchorage.

When we buried insulation around the foundation of our house last year, we only buried it to a depth of about 2 feet. This meant that we got some frost heaving of the blueboards along the back of the house, where the soil is the wettest, which put our precious siding into jeapordy as the insulation crept upwards. So this weekend we buried more insulation, to insulate the insulation that was already there, and hopefully that should solve the problem.

Next winter, here's what things should look like alongside our house. By keeping the soil under the older (vertical) blueboard from freezing, we should prevent any further frost heaving.

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